Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Some Nice Logos

This is the logo for Penguin Books. I like it because it is very simple but recognizable, as well as cute. I own a lot of books and so I see this this logo a lot. It is very easy to figure out what this product is since it is such a unique design. The design is very clean, as well. It only uses 3 colors and there isn't any intricate detail. At the same time, though, a penguin is such an original and distinctive design that this logo still stands out.
Out of the list of logos this one caught my eye for the longest. I paused at it because I thought it was really interesting and I wanted to stop and figure it out. I like that it is kind of subtle, but still really pretty. I like how gentle it looks, it isn't in your face or harsh. I also like how nature is incorporated in way that goes along with the product being "organik". When I look at this logo I want to know more about what it is representing. It looks very soft and peaceful and I like that.

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