Friday, December 19, 2014

If I Were A Font

I think that I would be this font, called Exotica. It is kind of weird and funky, but still looks classic and fancy, which I think fits who I am. I am kind of different, but not in a scary or unapproachable way. It mimics my style, as well, it is pretty and reminds me of nature but is also retro and cool. I like all the little details, and I am a very detail-oriented person, so I appreciate the complexity.

1 comment:

  1. I think this typeface does suit you because you are exotic I don't think the typeface is weird I think it's wild due to the swirls inside of the letter. And I also agree it is cool and the little detail are so complex and I feel like you are so intelligent some of your ideas would be complex.
