Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014

Girls Who Code Concept Board

If I Were A Font

I think that I would be this font, called Exotica. It is kind of weird and funky, but still looks classic and fancy, which I think fits who I am. I am kind of different, but not in a scary or unapproachable way. It mimics my style, as well, it is pretty and reminds me of nature but is also retro and cool. I like all the little details, and I am a very detail-oriented person, so I appreciate the complexity.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Research For Girls Who Code

Questions For Anna Weddell, student President:
Q:What does GWC mean to you?
A:It's about female empowerment, and being able to express yourself.
Q: What exactly is coding? Is is like binary code?
A:It's like if binary code was translated into English. It is basically computer language.
Q: How do you want GWC to be represented?
A: In a fun way that emphasizes women and technology

(Please note- I am paraphrasing, we had this conversation in person, and my notes were not exact)

Summary: Girls Who Code is an organization that teaches girls how to code. It was formed in 2012 and its mission is to inspire females and help them achieve their dreams. They want to "equip high school girls with the skills and resources to pursue opportunities in computing fields".

Themes: Women, computers, coding.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Some Nice Logos

This is the logo for Penguin Books. I like it because it is very simple but recognizable, as well as cute. I own a lot of books and so I see this this logo a lot. It is very easy to figure out what this product is since it is such a unique design. The design is very clean, as well. It only uses 3 colors and there isn't any intricate detail. At the same time, though, a penguin is such an original and distinctive design that this logo still stands out.
Out of the list of logos this one caught my eye for the longest. I paused at it because I thought it was really interesting and I wanted to stop and figure it out. I like that it is kind of subtle, but still really pretty. I like how gentle it looks, it isn't in your face or harsh. I also like how nature is incorporated in way that goes along with the product being "organik". When I look at this logo I want to know more about what it is representing. It looks very soft and peaceful and I like that.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Portrait Transformation



My concept was me being god. I felt like it was kind of narcissistic to be editing a picture of myself, so I decided to just run with that and make myself god. I feel like it was a very Kanye move. Also I really like myself, and I feel like I am the queen or lord of my own universe.