Thursday, October 2, 2014

Letter Project Reflection

  • First Draft:

  • Final:



       Our first task after choosing our letters were to make twenty thumbnail sketches to get our ideas down. Then we chose and drew two drafts, from which we chose one. I started my process after my draft with redrawing my design in pencil on the final paper. After I redrew it, I traced my design in marker. Then I colored in the parts I traced. I thought that the thoroughness of the process was very helpful. It was good to draw twenty thumbnails because it forced me to really stretch my imagination. 
       I came up with my first concept (the UFO), because I was thinking about how weird the letter Q looks, and I associated weirdness with aliens. I represented this concept because the cow and the alien are both kind of odd. The girl's face is just something I doodle a lot, so I thought it might be a sweet idea. 
      The most challenging aspect of this project was keeping everything clean and neat. I am just a naturally messy person so it was tough to keep inside the lines and not smudge marker everywhere. 
      I am not really satisfied with my project. I am kind of a perfectionist, and I would have rather done this work at home where I could concentrate in peace. I am kind of uncomfortable doing it in school, so I couldn't make my project the best it could be.
      If I could change my design, I might choose something that was more of a natural O shape, so I would not have to warp the design so much.


    1. Hi love your letter!!!!!!!!!! It's a really good drawing! It tells a story which makes it really interesting to look at.

    2. I really like your story on how you came up with the idea of a UFO! I also like how you project tells a story.

    3. Your design is really cool- I love how it's simple, but works well. It's cool how you challenged yourself in creating a design for a more unusual shaped letter! Wow, I also like your blog background!!

    4. I really disagree with you!! i really like your concept, i feel like its really creative and it's definitely an idea that i personally would have never thought of because I'm not creative hehe ^.^ but i really like it and i think you should be proud of your hard work (yours was one of my favorites) (:

    5. I love how you made the Q so subtle like it took me a while to figure out it was a Q, but i dont think this it made it less clear instead more interesting when realizing it is a Q. good job with the concept i would have never thought of it. I agree the letter Q is weird

    6. This has to be one of my favorite designs. It is so unique and awesome!! The idea of a UFO capturing a cow was such a good idea.

    7. I like the hunger to improve, great design, and id like credit for the cow idea !
