Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Concept Board

Tadanori Yokoo was a prominent Japanese artist in the 1960’s. He made a lot of posters that used colors and simple images to convey messages. Yokoo also made movies and music. Yokoo was influenced by pop culture, mysticism, psychedelia, Indian culture, and various writers and filmmakers. He has themes of nature in his work; waterfalls, the rising sun, mountains, etc. He was sometimes known as ‘the Japanese Andy Warhol’ because of the bright colors and pop influenced style he used. Yokoo influenced the people of his time because, in the words of Yukio Mishima, “[his] works reveal all of the unbearable things which we Japanese have inside ourselves and they make people angry and frightened”. His work made people think, and moved along the graphic design movement away from modernism and to pop.

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