Friday, March 13, 2015

5 Book Covers

I like how this cover's main focus is the bird and you kind of have to search for the title of the book. It makes it more interesting because the book seems more mysterious. You want to know why the bird is there and what the book is about. There are many interesting angles, as well. The sideways authors name and the upside down bird create and interesting combination. 

This cover caught my eye because of how large the image is. It takes up the entire cover and even looks like it may have been cut off. This makes it intriguing because you feel like you're missing part of the story and want to find out more. The fact that it's a comic makes it seem more fun and less boring. 

I like how casual this cover looks. The handwriting font compared with the notebook paper binding makes the cover seem like the language in this book won't be dense or confusing. I also like the little drawing. Again it is mysterious and I want to find out about this sneaky guy.

This appeals to me because I like to do line drawings of girls. I think this is really cute and aesthetically pleasing. I like how everything is arranged in a little column in the center of the page. It draws the eye in and is very neat. 
I chose this one because I just really like handwritten font look. This cover is simple and complex at the same time. It is a simple idea executed really well. 

All of the covers I like have a hand drawn element and are also kind of mysterious.

My Favorite Book's Cover

This is one of my favorite books, but I feel like the cover does not do it justice. The story has so much color and life and adventure and large characters, but the cover is kind of bland. It looks like it was just slapped together, like they found a picture of cowgirl and just randomly put it on. It isn't terrible, but it doesn't make me feel anything. The picture just looks like clipart to me. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Poster Before and After



Justin said my first poster was "trash". I really hope he likes my new one. My entire life depends on his approval. If he doesn't like my poster I don't know what I will do. Please Justin Williams, like my poster. Is it avant garde enough for you? To be honest Justin, if you don't like this version of my poster I might as well drop out of school and just move to Vietnam. So, please, say you like it.

Logo Reflection

The most challenging aspect of creating my logo was trying to incorporate all the elements of the GWC organization. I wanted my logo to make the viewer think of technology and women. I made a girl because females are the primary focus of my club, and I surrounded her with code because that is the other aspect that this club explores. The most successful part of my design was probably the girl.She looks smart and peaceful, like I wanted. And also kind of ambiguous-like she could be a number of different races.