Thursday, November 20, 2014

Shape to Symbol

My concept was light, and I wanted to show the sun moving across the sky. I kept it simple because I wanted my symbol to stand out and I didn't want the image to be too cluttered. The most frustrating part of this project was trying to draw using a computer. I have never really used photoshop before and so I didn't really know what I was doing. I found it really difficult to be precise with the paint brush tool and I couldn't draw as clearly as I am able to on paper. I got a hang of the tools after a while, but at that point it was too late to really fix my gif. I feel a lot more confident using the transitional layers now. At first I was confused by them and didn't really see the point, but now I understand how they can help and I know how to use them. I wish I were better with the paintbrush. I can't make any straight lines with it and it makes my drawing look very amateur and childish. I just need to master neatness. I would like to use photography in photoshop next. I feel like I could be more precise using pictures because it doesn't require the skill or attention drawing demands.


  1. Wow! This is so amazing, I see the artistic value in this GIF. I love the transition from lines to trianlges then the shading of colors appearing to form the mountains, absolutely genius.

  2. This is such a cool concept! I like how the mountains grow and the sun moves.

  3. I really like your concept! It's really cool how the sun moves from left to right. I agree with the paintbrush tool being hard to use- I had to redraw a lot of things too, as it isn't precise.
